ponedeljek, 15. december 2014

Castle Lansprez (Landsprejs, Lanšprež, Lanspres, Landpreis)

Author: Valvasor, Janez Vajkard, 1641-1693
Source: Geopedija topografia
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)
COUNTRY: Slovenia
MUNICIPALITY: Trebnje (Treffen k.o.)
SETTLEMENT: Lipnik (Lukouk, Lukovek, k.o.)
BUILDING:castle Lansprez (Landsprejs, Lanšprež, Lanspres, Landpreis)
FORMATION: first mention in 1260 
PRESERVATION: modest wreck
Geopedija: ortofoto

* The castle was probably built in the 11th or 12th century
* Last Landspreis knight Boltežar was killed in the Knights' Tournament in the city Crain
*It was probably abandoned in the 16th century

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