ponedeljek, 15. december 2014

Castle Lansprez (Landsprejs, Lanšprež, Lanspres, Landpreis)

Author: Valvasor, Janez Vajkard, 1641-1693
Source: Geopedija topografia
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)
COUNTRY: Slovenia
MUNICIPALITY: Trebnje (Treffen k.o.)
SETTLEMENT: Lipnik (Lukouk, Lukovek, k.o.)
BUILDING:castle Lansprez (Landsprejs, Lanšprež, Lanspres, Landpreis)
FORMATION: first mention in 1260 
PRESERVATION: modest wreck
Geopedija: ortofoto

* The castle was probably built in the 11th or 12th century
* Last Landspreis knight Boltežar was killed in the Knights' Tournament in the city Crain
*It was probably abandoned in the 16th century

petek, 12. december 2014

Manor Mala Loka (Kleinlak)

Author: Valvasor, Janez Vajkard, 1641-1693
Source: Geopedija topografia
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)
COUNTRY: Slovenia
MUNICIPALITY: Trebnje (Treffen k.o.)
SETTLEMENT: Mala Loka (Mali Videm, Kleinweiden k.o.)
BUILDING: manor Mala Loka (Kleinlak)
FORMATION: first indirect mention in 1607 as Khlein Lagkh
PRESERVATION: preserved structure
Geopedija: ortofoto
Author: Rok Kranjc 2014
Author: Rok Kranjc 2014
Author: Rok Kranjc 2014

* The mansion is very likely built on the original prehistoric settlement
* Settlement Mala Loka is first mentioned in 1169
* The mansion was probably built on a previous court Curiam in Luco mentioned in 1358
* The first indirect mention of manor Mala Loka is from 1585

četrtek, 11. december 2014

Castle Kozjak (Cozyak, Kosieck)

Author: Valvasor, Janez Vajkard, 1641-1693
COUNTRY: Slovenia
MUNICIPALITY: Trebnje (Treffen k.o.)
SETTLEMENT: Dolenje Selce(Grafendorf k.o.)
BUILDING: castle Kozjak (Cozyak, Kosieck)
FORMATION: first written mention in 1332 as castrum Cozyak
Source: Geopedija topografia

* The castle was built after the year 1250 * According to Valvasor the last descendant of Kozje, Ludvik first commander of Carnia provincial cavalry was in 1475 captured by the Turks at the Battle of Bizeljsko (Steyer) and sold it back to the family for 2000 florins but soon after returning home he died, because he was poisoned by the Turks
* The castle was abandoned at the end of the 17th century
*Castle Kozjak is also mentioned in the book Jurij Kozjak, written by Josip Jurčič

Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

Source: Geopedija orto-photo

torek, 9. december 2014

Manor Vina Gorica (Weinbüchel, Weinbichel, Vinya Goriza)

Author: Valvasor, Janez Vajkard, 1641-1693
Source: Geopedija topografia
COUNTRY: Slovenia
MUNICIPALITY: Trebnje (Treffen, Trebnje k.o.)
SETTLEMENT: Vina Gorica (Treffen, Trebnje k.o.)
BUILDING: manor Vina Gorica (Weinbüchel, Weinbichel, Vinya Goriza)
FORMATION: before 1689
PRESERVATION: preserved structure

Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)
Source: Geopedija orto-photo

Karte vom Herzogthume Krain
Author: Loschan, Gottfried in Stein, C
Year: 1832

ponedeljek, 8. december 2014

Castle Turjak (Auersperg)

COUNTRY: Slovenia
MUNICIPALITY: Velike Lasce (Gross laschitz, Velike Lašče k.o.)
SETTLEMENT: Turjak (Auersperg k.o.)
BUILDING:castle Turjak (Auersperg)
FORMATION: first written mention in 1318 PRESERVATION: preserved structure

nedelja, 7. december 2014

Manor Strelac (Schutt, Suta, Schütthof, Schüttelhof)

Author: Valvasor, Janez Vajkard, 1641-1693

Source: Geopedija topografia
COUNTRY: Slovenia
MUNICIPALITY: Smarješke Toplice (Schalowitz Šmarješke toplice k.o.)
SETTLEMENT: Strelac (Št. Peter, k.o.)
BUILDING: manor Strelac (Schutt, Suta, Schütthof, Schüttelhof)
FORMATION: the first written mention in 1392

PRESERVATION: preserved structure
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

Source: Geopedija orto-photo

sobota, 6. december 2014

Castle Klevevz (Klingenfels, Klevevsh, Klevevž)

Author: Valvasor, Janez Vajkard, 1641-1693
Source: Geopedija topografia
COUNTRY: Slovenia
MUNICIPALITY: Smarješke Toplice (Schalowitz Šmarješke toplice k.o.)
SETTLEMENT: Zbure (Swur, Zbure k.o.)
BUILDING: castle Klevevz (Klingenfels, Klevevsh, Klevevž)
FORMATION: the first written mention in 1306 as Castrum Chlingenuelz
PRESERVATION: modest wreck
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

* Castle Tower was in 1265 build by Freising Bishop Konrad
* Above the hill Gric just off the side of the castle is one of the largest researched prehistoric mounds next to it is Ajdovska cave and
prehistoric fortification in the Big Strmica
*Name Klingenfels came from a stream of river Radulja due to the rain storm at the foot of the rocks over which the castle once stood where unusual sounds like distant bells
* Under the castle rock are also two karst caves in length of 209 and 318 meters. There is also a story about a third one
* In 1475 and 1476 the castle was unsuccessfully besieged by the Turks
* In 1489 the castle was taken by the Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus
* The castle was burned down and looted
in 1942

Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae

Source: Geopedija orto-photo

Wall painting in castle Pisece. Author Rok Kranjc 2010

petek, 5. december 2014

Castle Poljane (Pölland, Pollant, Poelan)

Author: Valvasor, Janez Vajkard, 1641-1693

Source: Geopedija topografia
COUNTRY: Slovenia
MUNICIPALITY: Kocevje (Gottschee, Kočevje k.o.)
SETTLEMENT: Predgrad (Vornschloss, Predgrad, k.o.)
BUILDING:Castle Poljane (Pölland, Pollant, Poelan)
FORMATION: first written mention in 1336 as a vest Pollan

*The village Predgrad had established parish  in 1221
* Castle was probably built in the 13th century
* At the time of Turkish invasions, at the foot of the castle was built a large fortified camp in which by the testimony of Valvasor had 40 houses and were in peacetime uninhabited
* In the 16th century the camp develop a new market. Name of the place in the slope of the church is still preserved as market
*Gallows were placed on steljnik in Deskova  village. There was in the 19th century hung robber leader Rosa (Roša)
* For minor offenses you were chained to a 2m large stone pillar
and mocked
 *In 1805 was to the pillar chained falsely accused 20-year old Mary Majetić. She was accused of stealing the lamb because she refused marriage proposal by executor of the judiciary Kovačič . For the punishment, around her neck were hung intestines of slaughtered lamb. Some time later her innocence was discoverd and she was cleared of her wrong doing
* In 1809 the castle was burned down by the French army, because the Poljane settlers attacked Napoleon's soldiers when they collect tax

Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)
Source: Geopedija orto-photo

četrtek, 4. december 2014

Mansion Zbure (Swur, Rudolffsberff)

Author: Valvasor, Janez Vajkard, 1641-1693

COUNTRY: Slovenia
MUNICIPALITY: Smarješke Toplice (Schalowitz Šmarješke toplice k.o.)
SETTLEMENT: Zbure (Swur, Zbure k.o.)
BUILDING:mansion Zbure (Swur, Rudolffsberff)
FORMATION: Mention in 1454 as Guett zu Sheyur
PRESERVATION: no visible traces
Source: Geopedija topografia
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

* The settlement Zbure is first mentioned in 1290
* In the 18th century the building was re-built
*A record from 1932 says: "Above Zbure is a big building and in addition to an extensive blank walls. This is a mansion Zbure and next to it the stables, which were burned down 10 years ago. "
* Before the Second World War the mansion was already in the
decomposition state

Source: Geopedija orto-photo